I just got home from getting a pedicure. My legs feel like jelly. It was beautiful. I also exchanged the shirt I got from Old Navy yesterday for a smaller size. (: (: (: (:
I've been so tired lately, but have failed to nap or catch up on sleep. My final is tomorrow, I have one more night of work, then I'm home for my birthday! I'm going to be busy there too, but at least it's all in fun. Put a $100 check in my bank account today from my aunt. She's such a good gift giver. ;D
I don't have much to say at all. I guess that's why I'm so late with blogging today. Tonight/tomorrow will consist of working, studying, sleeping, taking my final, and then freakin' NAPPING. Or at least I hope so. Hope everyone else is doing well! Sorry I suck today. ♥
I still can't believe I got one of these neat little things so soon!! I can't tell you guys how much it means to me to feel so welcome on this site. But, enough with the sap... onto the 7 things about me...
1) My name is Sarah Elizabeth and probably, literally, three outta five Sarahs I meet have the same middle name. But, I was born on the 4th of July and I've only met one other person in my lifetime with the same birthday. (:
2) My sister, Heather, is 11 years older than me and she has a beautiful little boy, Joey, that I miss dearly since I've been away at college. We were both practically only childs because she moved away for college when I was 8 years old.
This is him and Jeremy on Thanksgiving at my parent's house playing football... which brings me to my next thing...
3)Jeremy! We've been together for 8 months, but it's more like a year and a half with how close we were the months up to the time we finally started dating. He's from my home town and we actually had a class together my freshman year of high school, but I literally never even saw him again until after graduation. We started hanging out my freshman year of college and our whole relationship has been long distance, but he's moving to Asheville to go to school and be with me in 47 days! And, yes. I do have a countdown. XD He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can not wait for him to be in the same town as me. He has been there for me no matter what and I can be totally open with him about my weight loss and that means so much to me. As you can see -- he's 150 pounds of muscle and bone, so he has no idea what it's like to be overweight. But, he listens to me complain about how hard it is and congratulates me when I'm excited about doing well. I love him with my whole heart, I lost my virginity to him, and I can't imagine my future without him in it.
4) I have a bad history with body image/dieting. It's a huge ordeal, stemming from my family, and I don't want to go into that. I'll just focus on the fact that I'm losing weight, the healthy way, for myself now. And I couldn't be happier about that.
5) I'm a junior at UNC-Asheville. I'm studying psychology to eventually be a rehabilitation psychologist. My cousin, who is a year younger than me and has always been really close to me, ended up in a rehab facility across the country for 10 months during his junior year of high school. He's relapsed and is currently doing whatever he wants. I don't agree with how he was treated, it obviously didn't work, and I'm passionate about changing the way things are done in that industry. Possibly more on that later.
6)I LOVE TIE-DYE. hahaha I really, really do. But, over the past year I've branched away from it and started wearing nicer clothes. I'm excited to tie-dye a white dress for my birthday with Jeremy though. (:
7) My favorite colors are green, blue, and yellow. Or any combination of the three. I know this is silly, but I was running out of things to say about myself! I also love sunflowers.
I have to leave for class, so when I get back I'll finish this post and put up who I'm passing the award on to. ♥
edit, 4:22 PM -- I ended up going shopping and getting lunch with Elizabeth after class, but I'm back now to finish my post! I got a bunch of new stuff and one of my books came in the mail! The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl, to be exact. I'm about to start reading it and take a nap, actually. I'll probably show you guys my loot tomorrow. (:
I pretty much want to give this award to all of the blogs I follow, but I decided to pass it on to the lovely ladies that I convinced to move to Blogger from Xanga with me. I know they're in a much better atmosphere on here and I love them all!
Now all of you need to go post the award on your blog, write 7 things about yourself, and pass it on to some other bloggers. (:
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
eat it! 9:30 AM: an apple with peanut butter during class, cheat treat: a regular pepsi :o 1:00 PM: 1/2 caesar salad, 1/2 smokey pepper jack turkey panini 5:00 PM: craving for junky food hit! >_< so, i had two hot dogs [bad for me, but only 260 calories] with a little ketchup and some dijon, a few slices of sharp cheddar, and a fit & active 100 calorie fudge pop... all way better than what I could've indulged in.
The weight is just falling off of me. The scale told me I was 193.6 this morning. And I always have to get on and off a couple time to make sure it isn't foolin' me. I can surely make it to 190 by the 4th now! I got this! (:
I'm about to do my homework before class, then possibly swimming afterward with Heidi. But, I might go shopping. There are a few things I need to find before I go home next weekend. Then again, my sinuses are killing me... so, I might require a nap before work. We'll just see how I feel. Hope everyone has a great day!
edit, 2:22 PM -- Sinus headache is still raging on, despite the medicine. I did about 30 minutes walking around, trying to find a dress for my birthday. Fail. So, I'm about to go back out to the mall and try to find something. Then work from 5-10, so I'll get a lot more walking done there. I'm just not feeling the gym today with this sinus pressure. I'll aim for an hour of cardio again tomorrow!
Oh!Exciting news! Barbara @ My Journey to Healthy Living gave me a Beautiful Blogger Award!! So, that's what tomorrow's post will be all about. :D
I love my new camera and my yogi tea's wisdom. (: eat it! 9:45 AM: fruit salad, green tea with triple echinacea, honey during class: dried fruit 12:35 PM: sweet & salty nut bar 1:00 PM: firehouse subs 4:00 PM: chocolate elvis from planet smoothie
I've made it a personal [maybe crazy] goal to try to be 190 by my birthday. My birthday is July 4th, by the way. So, that gives me exactly a week. Dang, I just realized how close it is! hahaha Why 190? Because I made a new rule that I can only buy new clothes at the 10 pound marks. 190, 180, 170, 160, you get it. haha And I really want a new birthday outfit! So, here's to a week of being really good and hoping for the best. Do you guys think I can do it!?
I'm going to Atlanta Bread Company today with Neely. We never get to hang out anymore, so I'm excited to see her. I'll get the usual: half a caesar salad with half a turkey sandwich on themost delicious whole grain bread I've ever eaten. Mmmm!!
I absolutely dread Sundays. 8 hours is just way too long at my job. [Which is K-Mart, by the way!] Seriously, it can only take so long to straighten my entire section. -_- I hope everybody else has a wonderful day!
edit, 1:15 PM - I always forget that the Y near my house is closed on Sundays. D: So, I just went down the road to Beaver Lake and walked my butt off around that. I need to bring my camera next time to show you guys what it's like. I really enjoyed it -- worked up a nice sweat, got some sun and fresh air. (: Definitely going to be getting out of the gym and into the sun more often!
eat it! 9:15 AM: slice of cheddar cheese, cinnamon applesauce 10:55 AM: sweet & salty nut bar 12:15 PM: 1/2 turkey sandwich on 9 grain bread, 1/2 caesar salad, 1/2 a cup of fruit salad 6:00 PM: lean cuisine 4 cheese pizza, 4 squares of chocolate
move it! 35 minute power walk around Beaver Lake walked 3.077 miles at work
Hungry: Lessons Learned on the Journey from Fat to Thin, by Allen Zadoff
The Amazing Adventures of Dietgirl, by Shauna Reid [pretty sure I follow her blog!]
Hungry Girl: Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World and Hungry Girl: 200 under 200, by Lisa Lillien
Half-Assed: A Weight-Loss Memoir, by Jennette Fulda [Found her blog yesterday and had to get the book!]
The Art of Eating In: How I Learned to Stop Spending and Love the Stove, by Cathy Erway [Again, I saw her blog today and wanted to check out her book.]
I also got some Biggest Loser whey protein and a blender bottle for it. It's probably going to take weeeeeks for me to get all of it, but I'm excited nonetheless. Plus, it'll be fun to be getting a little something in the mail. (:
I haven't felt like getting out of bed today... so, I haven't. (: But I'm about to go make myself a big, delicious breakfast. Then I'm going to go to the gym before work at 5. Not much else to say... Hope everyone is doing well!
Last night was a crazy night! Jeremy [the boyfriend] came with Taylor, and then Noel and Nora came as a surprise! We all went to get pizza and then headed over to our friend Stephen's show. I don't like metal, at all. But, I really enjoyed their set. I was very pleasantly surprised! haha I'm so proud of them and excited for them. They're going all the way from North Carolina to Ohio and Michigan... and of course lots of stops in between. It's such an amazing opportunity for him. I can hardly believe it's actually happening. Picture time!
This is Nora and Noel. (:
They're called Shotgun Saints.
I promise he doesn't always look this uncomfortable around me. hahahaha
Nora, Stephen, me, Noel, and one of Stephen's crazy bandmates in the background. hahaha I love this picture!!!
Anyway, I couldn't sleep last night til after 5 AM. I've had an ongoing headache for at least two weeks and it's driving me insane. I have no idea why. I keep blaming it on my sinuses, but how much allergy medicine can one take before they become immune? Same goes for Excedrin. I think I'm going to make a doctor's appointment soon for that and the fact that no matter how much sleep I get I constantly feel exhausted. Thyroid? Mono? Tell me something! I want to feel good again!
I have work from 5-10, so I'm just doing some laundry and relaxing until then. I feel terrible from lack of sleep and my headache. I hope everyone else is doing well out there in the blogosphere!
eat it! 11:oo AM: banana nut cheerios with skim milk 1:oo PM: Jimmy John's
This morning the scale read 198.7, which is definitely closer to what my real weight should be. It's amazing how much one day of good eating and exercise can do to help out a bloated, overfed girl. Now to keep it moving in that direction. (:
Not sure if I'm going to make it to the gym today, but don't worry -- I'll be doing a lot of moving anyway! Here's my to-do list:
[x] yoga [x] pick up birth control [x] cash check [x] return dress to Old Navy [x] clean bathtub/toilet/sink [x] put up all clean laundry [ ] do dirty laundry [x] do the dishes [x] take out the trash/recycling [ ] dust everyyyythiiiing! [x] make up extra bed for Taylor
All before my boobear gets here with his friend around 7 for the show we're going to tonight. I'm really excited, because it's our mutual friend from home that's going on tour. His second stop happened to be Asheville! It should be a lot of fun. :D Plus, it's always nice to see my love. ♥
Sidenote: That's us, in the picture. He's from my hometown, but he's moving here in less than two months! I'd have to devote a whole entry to our story to say it all, but short & sweet -- here's my baby. (:
edit, 11:07 AM: I was running ten minutes late to class, so I was literally running up all the stairs... only to find out it had been canceled. Ugh! haha Oh well, now I'll just be able to do a yoga video and have more time to clean and all that jazz.
edit, 5:02 PM: I just bought an outfit that I neverr thought I could pull off! I've always loved the look of high waisted skirts, and I finally got the courage up to try one on, and whattayaknow -- it's adorable! :D
eat it! 10:30 AM: sweet & salty nut bar 12:30 PM: multigrain wrap with turkey and cheddar, all natural white cheddar puffs 5:30 PM: subway melt, baked lays
Last week's weight: 199.1 Today's weight: 201.1 Week's change: +2.0 Total change: -30.9
You build on failure. You use it as a stepping stone. Close the door on the past. You don't try to forget the mistakes, but you don't dwell on it. You don't let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.
Okay, so a gain. I know that weight isn't my true weight -- I'm in the middle of my period, I indulged in every craving possible yesterday, and I'm constipated. But, it's still alarming and enough to get me off my butt. I haven't worked out in a month, but today's the day! I'm clad in my workout gear, about to leave to pick up the kid I babysit and then go to class. After class, I'm going to attempt to do an hour of cardio and some weights. I'm bringing some healthy food with me to class, because I can literally still feel the food in my stomach from yesterday and I'm just not hungry yet.
I'm loving Blogger so far, it's just taking me a while to find people to follow and whatnot. I'll do more exploring after the gym! (:
edit, 2:04 PM: I did it! I stayed on that elliptical for a whole hour! I expected pain, but I think my legs are numb. haha I kept a steady pace and I feel good. I can't believe I stayed out of the gym for so long! What was wrong with me!?
eat it! 9:00 AM: green tea with triple echinacea, honey 10:15 AM: peanut butter granola bar, grapes 12:00 PM: power bar 1:55 PM: mini chicken quesadillas with reduced fat sour cream and white corn & black bean salsa♥ 4:00 PM: peanut butter and honey sandwich, veggie sticks, skim milk 7:30 PM: 80 calorie soup at hand
Oh hello, Blogger. (: I'm Sarah. I'm a rising junior in college, living on my own, trying to become the best possible me.
I'm new to this site, but I've been on Xanga for going on 8 years. I definitely have a history with weight loss blogging. This year is when it all changed for me -- my efforts in the past could be described as disordered eating, but now I'm all about making a healthy lifestyle change. FOR GOOD. I've gone from 232 to 197ish. As far as what I ultimately want to get to, it all depends. I haven't been below 180 since middle school, so who knows what I'll even look like when I reach that point. For me, it's all about leading a healthy life and feeling good about myself. I have a few dear friends on Xanga, but the weight loss community has basically taken a turn for the worst. I feel like this may be a better spot for me, as a mature adult trying to become healthier.
I'm going to explore the site and try to find some fellow weight loss bloggers!